Clermont County, Ohio Piano Tuning on pause
Hi, This is Frank Renfrow your friendly neighborhood piano tuner doing my part to make the world more harmonious. If any of you were wondering, yes indeed, I am still doing piano tunings. I am also still practicing Covid protocols such as using masks and being up to date on all vaccines and boosters. As of the year 2023 I have 49 years of experience in tuning pianos in the Cincinnati region. After starting in 1974 and completing my apprenticeship with a Seinway-Wurlitzer dealer, I worked for the Baldwin Piano Company from 1977 to 1988 doing customer piano tunings. I have been doing it independently ever since. Please feel free to contact me via text at 859-653-1460 or email at
I have to admit I have gotten sort of out of the habit of checking voicemails or answering the phone so bear with me. The two best ways to reach me is by email at
or texting me on my cell phone at:
If you call me I may not answer my phone immediately
but will endeavor to answer your voicemail message
as soon as possible.

1986 Young Chang Model E-101 43" Euro style Upright Piano